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  • Writer's pictureShelby

2018 Holiday Highlights

This year was one for the books. I've never experienced a Christmas season being this far along in pregnancy and it was so special. Each year my boys get bigger, it gets more and more meaningful. The way they understood Christmas and gift giving this year was so fun to watch.

I love doing things to make the holidays special and memorable for my boys. I hope when they think back to their childhood Christmases they'll remember it all fondly. The dancing to Christmas records, the movies cuddled up as a family, our Polar Express tradition, and the endless amounts of cocoa. But most of all, I hope they'll remember a home filled with love because of the love of our Savior.

Josh and I didn't exchange gifts this year (just stockings) as we're saving for a baby next month but he still managed to give me the beautiful gift of capturing this year's holiday memories on video. I'm forever in awe of the magic he creates out of little snippets of our life. These kinds of gifts mean more to me than anything.

Thank you for sharing in our lives this year. We wish you all the very best in the new year!


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