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  • Writer's pictureShelby

Year in Review + 2019 Intentions Printable

Updated: Jan 9, 2019

What a year we had! So many firsts and growth and changes yet so much to look forward to.

We survived the snowy start to the year by making the most of snow days and cozying up and finding fun indoors and sneaking away for coffee dates.

We made a trip to Virigina in the Spring to meet our new niece, Peyton May.

In May we celebrated 10 years of marriage with a vow renewal ceremony.

And shortly after found out we were expecting another baby!

Then Grady turned 6.

And we spent the summer soaking up the slow, sweet days in our town.

And finding out that we're expecting another baby boy

At the end of summer, we sent Grady off to Kindergarten.

Then Griffin turned 4.

We bunked the boys up together to make room for a nursery.

We took another trip to Virginia to celebrate thanksgiving with our family and The Mullins Photo Co. captured our family in this sweet season of life.

We had a beautiful, slow Christmas season at home.

And Josh and I ended the year with a little getaway to Chicago to celebrate the countdown to Baby Graham joining our family.

And now as we look forward to 2019, we set intentions for the year ahead. We've been doing these for the past couple of years and have really enjoyed encouraging each other to grow each year.

We hope you'll enjoy downloading these and setting your own intentions for the year ahead.

Download the His & Hers versions below:

Wishing you all the best that 2019 has to offer!


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